Thursday, October 18, 2007

Sunday Scribblings: My first act as King of the World

My first act as King of the World would be to ban all alarm clocks. People should be able to wake up gradually. The worst feeling in the world is not war, sickness, disease, or death. These things are arbitrary; they do not strike everyone equally. The worst feeling in the world is waking up from a deep sleep two minutes before the alarm is set to go off. What do you do? Get up? Why would you do that? That is what the alarm is for. Go back to sleep? With the knowledge that the alarm is going to go off in less than two minutes? I don't think so. Your day has begun and you don't know what to do. You know how everyone says today is the first day of the rest of your life? That's true, and you have spent the first two minutes of that day deciding on whether or not to get out of bed. Now you have to get up and go to work. How is that fair? You would much rather stay home and work at your dream job of being a scribbl...I mean a writer.
My second act as King of the World would be to give the tv news people the night off. The news is going to be all bad anyway and most of it will be the same crap that they will talk about tomorrow night. Instead I will be putting on reruns of The Andy Griffith Show or whatever show you like that makes you feel good.
There will be a spot between 7-8 pm EST where I will allow anyone who wants to to declare themselves whatever weight they want to be. I will then put each countries ruler into one large room and tell them to hash it out. The rest of us are going to a ball game and hotdogs are on me.
Then I will make sure reruns of Unsolved Mysteries are put back on the air because I always liked that show.


Giggles said...

Cute unique take on being a post!


Jams said...

My God, man. You have my vote. Oh, kings done get voted in do they? Well, you're my choice anyway. Witty, that's you. Witty king.

Robin said...

You're banning alarm clocks? I'm voting for you!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Okay, let me try to comment again. This time with clarity....

I like your idea of no alarm clocks and no nightly news. You are a visionary with some good ideas. You'll make a great king.

paisley said...

well i think you sound like a very simply pleased individual and would in fact vote for you if given the opportunity.....

Tumblewords: said...

Oh, yes, Sir King. You have the right ideas...Fun post!

Jess said...

As someone who can never wake up on time in the morning, no matter how many alarm clocks I have, I couldn't agree more.

Waking up gradually and feeling refreshed, having slept well and for at least 16 hours, can make all the difference to my day.

You have such a cool blogskin, by the way. Very clever to not quite let us see your face. Makes me very curious....

Patois42 said...

You're the first king of the world I've read today. Brilliant thoughts on the day's beginning.

Unknown said...

I like your way of making the other rulers more responsible.

Anonymous said...

I live in MX, I still work, i wake to the sunrise, have no idea what is being said on the Spanish news and don't watch US news ( amazing how much gets thrpugh though).
And yes let's put 'em all in a room...but with only enough to eat and drink if the plan the use, and share.

Lisa Sullivan said...

Get rid of alarm clocks? SUPERB idea! And I love the idea of putting the world's rulers in one room to "hash it out". Oh would I LOVE to be a fly on the wall there.

As for the evening news...well...I plea the fifth. I work for a television station and I love my job! :)

Anonymous said...

I am all for getting rid of the alarm clock!

Lucy said...

That alarm thing happens to me alll the time!
sooo irritating!